I do enjoy putting these together every year. I was a good year, a lot of things happened, and I captured a few really nice images.
Took a bit of a Leap
After having some more success in a couple of shows this year I decided to take a try at another chance at a show just a bit further up the ladder. I submitted a photo to ArtFields, a rather large and prestigious regional show here in the south. You get to submit one piece and let me tell you that is very hard to do. If I get in I’ll post which piece I picked.
Talking about shows, the Huntsville Museum of Art show was really nice. There are always great photos in that show. The other shows I made it in this year were in Knoxville again. Knoxville Photo and Dogwood. Dogwood always blows my mind the quality of art in that show. Getting in this year helped push me toward trying to get into ArtFields.
Another reason to try for ArtFields is the rumors circulating that there won’t be anymore Red Clay Survey shows in Huntsville. I’m sad I won’t ever make it in to that show if the rumors are true. I understand the reasons I’ve heard, but it was an amazing show and I’ll miss seeing that amazing collection of regional artists.
Japanning - an Internet Rabbit Hole
I recently entered the Knoxville Photo juried exhibition again. I won’t find out until May 26th if I was selected for inclusion, but I did fall down a rabbit hole on the internet when looking into the juror. Heather F. Wetzel has a very interesting body of work which includes a series of photos developed onto can lids called Salvaged. Check out her site, look at the exhibit and resist the rabbit hole if you can.
Webster's 1913 Dictionary:
1) \Ja*pan"\, n. [From Japan, the country.] Work varnished and figured in the Japanese manner; also, the varnish or lacquer used in japanning.
2) \Ja*pan"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Japanned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Japanning}.] 1. To cover with a coat of hard, brilliant varnish, in the manner of the Japanese; to lacquer.
Wordnet Dictionary:
[n] lacquer with a durable glossy black finish, originally from the orient.
Oxford English Dictionary:
\Ja*pan"\, n. def 2: A varnish of exceptional hardness which originally came from Japan. The name is now extended to other varnishes of a like sort esp., to (a) a black varnish obtained by cooking asphaltum with linseed oil, used for producing a black gloss on metal and other materials; (b) a varnish-like liquid made from shellac, linseed-old and turpentine and used as a medium in which to grind colours and for drying pigments.
The Tree
We recently moved from Huntsville Alabama to a house on 8 acres in Monteagle Tennessee. One of the bonuses to the property is an amazingly photogenic dead tree. What follows are the shots I’ve taken of it so far since moving in.
2023 Calendar
More Shows
So far 2022 has been treating me pretty well show wise. I had a print in the National Juried Exhibition in Knoxville again this year. I am continuing my streak of having at least one piece shown up in that fine city every year. Interestingly, the piece that made it in this year was a shot I took on the way home from dropping off the print for the show the previous year. I try to find a new place to stop on the way back from a trip up there and Ozone Falls popped up on my search that year. It is a very easy hike if it isn’t snowing like it was when I visited. The climb down was a little sketchy but well worth it.
The show hasn’t opened yet, but the annual Huntsville Photographic Society exhibit at the Huntsville Museum of Art returns May 15th through August 7th. A new personal best for me this year, I’ll have 3 photos included. It is always really strong competition each year and I genuinely wonder if any of mine will make it in. so 3 of the 45 for or so picked is a big deal for me.
"About Me" - These are REALLY Hard
I really need to write a better bio for my site. One that can be used when I get into shows and something appropriate for a solo show I want to try to pull together. I have a couple of venues I think I have a shot getting in once I have it all sorted. The artist bio is a huge stumbling block for me. I, like many who think of themselves as creatives or artists struggle as well from what I am finding online. I think I’ll use this post as a place to dump thoughts to pull together later into something only slightly more polished and formal.
This is me on a trip with my uncle to Manistee Michigan. I can’t be sure my age, but I have some pretty clear memories of that trip. It’s my first distinct memory of someone letting me use a camera.
This may be my first photo. I did take a few other snaps on the trip, but this one is pretty special.
June, time flies.
Yep, as per my usual, the blog posts are few and far between. June however is busting out with goodness. The photo from my previous post, Southern Home, has made it into another show in Knoxville. This time I made it back into the Dogwood Arts Regional Art Exhibition (June 4 - 25) This show is a pretty big show to make it in, and I was super excited when I got the word.
The annual Huntsville Museum of Art showcase for the Huntsville Photographic
Society is currently on display and I have a photo included again this year. This time a dragonfly macro made it in. There was no theme this year, so everyone entered their best shots and the mix is impressive.
Also in Knoxville, but in July, is the annual Knoxville Photo Exhibition and the Emporium Center for the Arts. I made it in with 2 photos this year. I submitted one of my macro shots of vine coils and went with a large print on metal as a change of pace. I also made it in with another shot from Old Car City in White, GA.
It is a New Year
I have no illusions that I’ll post any more regularly than I ever have before, but I do have a couple of things to update.
I made it into a small local show last month called Hindsight 2020 and a very cool coffee shop. Gold Sprint Coffee is near Lowe Mill and is a nice little venue for a show like this. The show is down but you should check them out, they serve coffee, food, and beer. The show was organized by Huntsville Collective.
I was also selected to be part of the Knoxville National Juried Exhibition for 2021. The show will be up February 5th - 26th with an opening reception on the 5th. I seem to do well in shows in Knoxville for some reason. I have been selected for a few of their shows, this show, the annual photography show, and the Dogwood show they have every year. Both Hindsight 2020 and the Knoxville shows picked the same image, which is one of my favorites from last year.
More from last year, I finished my 365 project with only a couple of missed days. These things are pretty tough to get through. Some days end with an “Oh crap, I need to take a pic” Other days you wake up and are really in the mood to shoot something interest. One thing that I find happens for me though is I am just a bit more observant as I go through the day. 2020 made this just that much harder since getting out and about was not quite as common as it used to be.
So that should catch things up for now, I hope to post a little more frequently but I know better than to make any promises.
A 2021 Calendar is Going to be Available
I had a few people ask if I would do another calendar for 2021. I’m going to give that a go this year again, I’ll be doing these as a print on demand this go round. I’ll price them and mark them down on “sale” and leave the shipping price intact. I’ve been left holding the bag on a couple before and it ends up costing me money, this just seems like the way to go. I really appreciate the interest and am happy to make one available.
I've Finally Listed Some Prints for Sale.
I’ve dabbled here and there with posting prints here and there on other sites for sale, but I’d really just rather be completely responsible for everything myself. Well, excluding if a gallery wants to represent me, but I have not made any attempt to pursue that as of yet and none of reach out to me.
There are some things that are hard for me and putting my work out there to be judged in a show or exhibition is right there at the top. Selling prints is neck and neck with that. Several reasons exist, but let me just leave it at it was hard. Most of the images I have listed are either WAY up high on my list of favorite photographs, or were part of exhibitions I have been included in, or in some rare cases both.
Please give them a look and if anything really speaks to you consider ordering it.
I’ve been intending to go out exploring the back roads and small towns of Alabama for quite a while, but always seem to find an excuse not to. Well last Sunday I got on the road and finally did it. The light was harsh and I felt a little uncomfortable doing it, but it was a start. I tend to avoid conflict and I just don’t feel like dealing with someone asking questions as to why am I taking pictures of whatever. I’m going to keep after it and do my best to get over that apprehension that makes me rush and not get shots I could have or do as well as I should have.
Last Friday I had a work related appointment that required me to go to Nashville. It was a very surreal experience. Next to no traffic on the interstate, and downtown was empty. Other than a walker here and there the only people to be seen were construction workers.
Take a look at 2:30 pm on a Friday afternoon.
I’ve finally made it to a large city during a big photography festival. PhotoNola occurs every December in New Orleans all throughout the city. Both the New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA) and the Ogden Museum of Southern Art host exhibitions, talks and other events. Many of the other galleries, venues and artists around the city also host exhibitions and or events. I missed it last year by one week and when we decided to travel again this December it was high on my list of things I’d like to do. I’m not sure I could do a better job of summarizing the exhibits than the descriptions already available so this post is going to be link heavy, be sure to check them all out.
We decided to stay at The Old No. 77 hotel again and it once again proved to be a great choice. Everyone there are really nice, the rooms are interesting and have character, and the Warehouse District is packed with things to do and just far enough outside the French Quarter that it is a bit calmer. Old No. 77 has a couple of small galleries on the ground floor. One just off the side of the lobby and another in the hallway leading to the rooms. The front gallery had an exhibit by David Armentor titled Homes James and Don’t Spare the Horses. It was a nice combination of pinhole photography and cyanotype photograms.
The next day we attended the artist talk and exhibit given by Richard Sexton at The Historic New Orleans Collection in the Seignouret Building. This is a pretty interesting history museum in a great old building, be sure to click the link and check it out. These photos were gorgeous. All shot on an 8x10 large format on film. The theme was industry and the river (I am over simplifying things a bit) and displayed in groupings by mile marker on the river. There was an accompanying book, however once you see the prints the book just doesn’t do it justice. Richard definitely had a passion for his subject and the underlying themes of his project.
Another gallery that is part of The Historic New Orleans Collection is located at 410 Chartes Street. Seeking an Open Life: Photographs of Lafcadio Hearn’s Japan is an exhibition of prints created by Everret Kenedy Brown attempting to capture what drew Hearn to Matsue, Japan. The photographs were created from wet collodion glass plate negatives and collotype prints and are really gorgeous. Photography in the exhibit wasn’t allowed, but there were a couple that stood out as stunning.
Next stop was a real surprise. There is no telling how many times I have walked by this place and not gone in. That will not be a problem going forward. I’m adding it to my must visit list every time I go to New Orleans. A Gallery for Fine Photography at 241 Chartres Street is amazing. Prints by all of the greats hanging on the walls available for purchase. The real treats for me were Keith Carter, Sebastio Selgado, and Michael Kenna, but there are so many more. They also have a selection of rare signed first edition books, but the prints were something to behold.
Hmm - My post disappeared
I rambled on about macro photography and then posted a recent image. I’ll save you the ramble and just give you the image this time :)
Cloud Porn
One of the first things I started taking photos of with my first iPhone was clouds. Everyone sees them, most take note when the sky gets particularly impressive. Some run for cover when the sky starts to darken and drop. I look for a nice place to get a decent foreground and shoot away. Clouds have been a part of photography in many different ways since it began. Here are a few more.
Drama Over Redstone
Back in a Couple of Exhibitions Soon
I have had a pretty good track record of getting in a show or two a year over the last few years. This year started out slow but I have struck gold finally again. I’ll be getting prints ready for two shows later in the summer. The first is the Knoxville Photo National Juried Exhibition. It is an annual show at the The Emporium Arts Center. I’ve been in a few shows there and always enjoy going back. I have been trying to stretch past bugs and landscapes and one of my street photography images was selected in the Human Experience category.
I’m also keeping up my streak of inclusion in the Huntsville Photographic Society’s annual exhibition in the Huntsville Museum of Art. This show opens on August 25th. The museum continued with picking a theme for the exhibition and this year it is chiaroscuro. I did my best to select a wide range of shots to fit the topic and one of my odder macro subjects was selected.
New York - My First Trip
I really enjoyed my first trip to New York, I was a little overwhelmed with just how much there is to do. How do you decide what you want to see and where you want to eat. Then you get the suggestions from everyone that adds more options.
I had a couple of things I really wanted to see. The Guggenheim had part one of a Mapplethorpe exhibit. I really wanted to see prints live since that process was so much of his art. They did not disappoint. It was also an experience to watch others interact with his work.
People watching was of course exactly what you’d expect in a huge city like New York. I really don’t feel comfortable yet taking candid shots of people on the street. Not up close anyway. Here are a few of the better shots below. Can’t wait to go back.
Near the Entrance to the Guggenheim
Token Grand Central Station Shot
Central Park Sky Line
Step Aside
The GR II - Not the New Camera I Was Expecting
I have been lusting after a new camera for a couple of months. I wanted go full frame and mirrorless. Pretty much the only name in that game right now is Sony. They have a tasty piece of gear in the A7 R III which I’ve not heard bad things about from really anyone. The only beef people seem to have with it is battery life. It has a tn of great features and is reviewed and talked about all over so I won’t go on about it and I’ve not given up on the upgrade. Just waiting on a better time to do it. My Canon 70D is holding me up just fine right now.
What I have found is that I feel very uncomfortable walking around the city, any city, with a big DSLR hanging off my neck. People look at you, people shy away if you want to grab a street shot, and less annoying but distracting, people gravitate toward someone with a DSLR to hand you their camera to take their picture. I really don’t mind that last one, but it does sometimes break my concentration a bit. So I started poking around at “point and shoot” cameras and quickly found the high praise for the Ricoh GR II to be pretty universal. I’ll link a couple of videos below. The price was right, around $500 and the size was killer. It is smaller than my iPhone 7 plus and is easy to use one handed with a little proper setup. I pulled the trigger, even knowing that a new version was due soon.
It arrived Friday and I’ve had a bit of a chance to shoot with it. Nothing spectacular, but I’m really happy with the quick snaps. I can’t wait to get to a big city and really test it out. One thing I always do with new gear is grab some shots of my pack.
And a couple of tests including a double exposure. The double exposure got me thinking about a possible “project” and I am going to see where that leads too.
The following videos are from a couple of YouTube channels I follow.
Fog on the Mountain
If you know me or have paid attention to previous posts, I have a girlfriend who owns a restaurant in Sewanee Tenessee. Sewanne is also home to The University of the South which has an amazing campus. Keri has encouraged me to go shoot there several times. I was holding out for conditions that triggered me to feel creative and I was not disappointed Sunday. Sewanee is up in the Cumberland Plateau and this time of year can see some pretty foggy conditions. This was one of those days.